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The House | Landscaping | Side Yards

April, 2005 — Three years later, the new plantings have had time to grow and the yard is transformed. This photo is looking towards the back of the lot.

A slate pathway meanders along the base of the wall. Plants visible in this photo include a Larix decidua (foreground, deciduous Larch), small red Japanese maple, black mondo grass at the base of the near fence, and along the top of the wall, Phyllostachys aureasulcata f. alata (yellow stripe bamboo), which over time will reach 25 ft. high with 1.5" diameter shoots that will stand vertically and provide some very pleasant shade in the summer.

In addition we built two sodegaki bamboo fences to create a semi-private garden off the guest bedroom. We are still looking for more authentic Japanese roofing tile to finish covering the smaller of the two fences.

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